AS Module: Continuous Airworthiness Management
At any time your AS System gives you a perfect overview over the status of aircrafts you maintain.
Operating time messages, deadlines or processing of new AD or AB: Anytime your AS System informs you about the current status.
A color scale in the fleet overview displays you the urgency.
AS System monitors aircraft operator’s reporting times daily. In addition to operating times including details such as date, starts, hours
and the current count of the operating counters. AS System is able to display complaints which have to be managed according to their urgency
or can be lasted as an Hold Item until the next maintenance.
The monitoring of events and items with individual lead times and exceedance of deadlines takes place depending on the use of an aircraft.
To provide you a quick overview the status of these positions is also depicted in colors.
For you your AS System documents:
- AD, LTA and SB overviews with implementations until the S/N and even the Part level
- STC / EMZ overviews with implemented measures
- Overviews over operating times with components and supervision of AD, LTA and SB measures
- Automatically maintained equipment list
- Current avionic inventory
- Hold Item List
- Electronic logbook
The functionality can also be used for aircrafts which are not subject to CAMO.